Various Ways of Cleaning Invisalign Clear Aligners

Various Ways of Cleaning Invisalign Clear Aligners

Invisalign is an orthodontic solution that must be worn for more than 20 hours a day to achieve positive results. This required duration of usage, however, can inevitably lead to food particles and buildup inside your aligners. Luckily, it is very simple to keep your Invisalign clean, which helps ensure you maintain a healthy oral hygiene routine.

Let’s explore how you can effectively wash your Invisalign aligners and remove stains and buildup using items commonly found in your home.

For Daily Cleaning
You can use clear, mild soap and a soft-bristled toothbrush for your day-to-day cleaning of your Invisalign. This will remove the bacteria and debris from meals that accumulate throughout the day.

Do note that you should not use the same toothbrush that you use for your teeth to avoid cross-contamination. Additionally, avoid scented and colored soaps to prevent the development of a bitter taste and stains on your aligners.

For Stain Removal
Using a hydrogen peroxide solution is an easy way of removing stains from your Invisalign. Just mix equal parts of hydrogen peroxide and lukewarm water in a container that can hold both Invisalign trays, and then let them soak for 20 to 30 minutes. Next, rinse the aligners thoroughly. For stubborn stains, it might take several tries until you see an improvement.

For Hard Buildup Removal
White vinegar can remove hard buildup from your Invisalign. Dilute one part vinegar in three parts water, and soak your Invisalign for 15 to 20 minutes.

Next, rinse them and remove any plaque that was loosened up by the vinegar using a soft toothbrush. Be reminded, though, that the smell of vinegar might linger even after rinsing. You can soak your Invisalign in plain water after the initial rinse to help remove the smell, but be prepared to deal with the faint smell that might remain longer.

Consult an Orthodontist for Your Invisalign and Other Dental Concerns
Keep your mouth and teeth healthy and bacteria-free by cleaning Invisalign clear aligners the right way. By doing this, you will also get the most out of your treatment, giving you the smile you’ve always wanted. To learn more about how to care for your aligners or to ask about other available treatment options, contact Risinger Orthodontics in Glastonbury, Connecticut. We look forward to hearing from you.