Protect Your Smile! Foods You Can and Can’t Eat With Braces

When you start your braces journey, you are investing in the look and health of your smile. And just like any investment, you must protect your braces to get a fantastic result – a gorgeous, new smile!

We have tons of braces care tips that will help you keep them clean and functioning efficiently, and this page will dive into the foods you can and can’t eat with braces. Even though your braces from Risinger Orthodontics will be modern, durable, and expertly installed by Drs. Richard and Reid Risinger, eating certain foods can damage them, delaying the completion of your treatment.

If any questions come to your mind as you read about the best foods to eat (and which foods to avoid) with braces, contact us, and one of our team members will gladly answer them for you!

The Importance of Eating Soft Foods With Braces

Whether you choose traditional metal braces or clear ceramic braces from Risinger Orthodontics, you can rest assured that you will have the most modern and durable appliances. However, it’s still essential that you eat soft foods while you progress through your braces treatment.

Your braces’ brackets, bands, and archwires can break if you chomp down on hard, sticky foods. Eating soft foods while you have your braces will also help prevent food from getting stuck in them, making maintaining your dental hygiene a lot (a whole lot) easier.

What Can You Not Eat With Braces

When you get braces, there are several foods you will have to stay away from if you want your treatment to be successful and completed on time. We know no one likes being told what they can’t eat, but trust us, you’ll be glad you avoided these foods when you’re smiling from ear to ear at the end of your treatment.

Here are some of the foods you shouldn’t eat with braces:

Soft Foods You Can Eat With Braces

Wait, it’s not all doom and gloom! We promise! The American Association of Orthodontists (AAO) recommends a plentiful variety of healthy, soft foods you can eat with braces. Here are just a few of them:

Eat the Right Foods for a Successful Braces Treatment

Braces can give you the gorgeous smile you’ve been dreaming of, and the success of your braces treatment will depend on your commitment to keeping them clean and intact. That’s why we always emphasize the importance of eating the right foods with braces.

Dr. Richard Risinger, Dr. Reid Risinger, and the Risinger Orthodontics team will guide you during your braces journey to ensure outstanding results. If you’re already one of our patients, please don’t hesitate to contact us with any questions or concerns.

If you aren’t one of our patients and are interested in discovering if braces are right for you or your child, schedule your free smile consultation today!