When to Start Orthodontic Treatment

Almost every day, parents ask us how they can tell when to start orthodontic treatment. The best age for braces and aligners changes depending on the individual.

At Risinger Orthodontics, we provide a comfortable and fun environment for orthodontic treatment. Learn the signs for when to start orthodontic treatment from our experts.

Why A Child Should See An Orthodontist By Age 7

The American Association of Orthodontists recommends that children should get screened by an orthodontist by the time they are 7 years old. At 7 years old, a child’s jaw and teeth have grown enough to give us a good idea of their future development. Yearly check-ins with an orthodontist should start around this time.

There are two advantages to starting yearly check-ins:

  1. These appointments allow you to develop a working relationship with an orthodontist you trust.
  2. If any issues merit special attention, you will be able to start treatment before small concerns become huge problems.

During your complimentary consultation, we will assess your child’s bite and jaw and determine if they need intervention. Children rarely need orthodontic treatment at this age, and the best age for braces and aligners is around 10-13 years old for most children.

Common Signs A Child May Need An Orthodontic Exam

Parents may not know what to look out for when considering orthodontic treatment for their children. If your kid exhibits any of the following, it’s time to take them to their first orthodontic exam.

Children exhibiting any of the following conditions may be ready to start orthodontic treatment:

  • Early loss of baby teeth
  • Crowded and crooked teeth
  • Bite issues like overbite, underbite, and crossbite
  • Difficulty chewing or speaking
  • Teeth that protrude at odd angles
When to Start Orthodontic Treatment

What Happens at The First Visit?

During your first appointment, we will examine your little one’s bite for any issues. We will use advanced technology to peer underneath their gum line and see if there are any developing irregularities in their jaw. Dr. Risinger will also examine your smile and determine if your little one would benefit from early orthodontic treatment.

If there are areas we’d like to look at further, we will discuss our treatment plans with you. Dr. Risinger has helped countless people across the Hartford area improve their smiles.

What If a Child Does Not Need Orthodontic Treatment?

As your children’s teeth develop, the relationship between their teeth and jaw may change. If treatment makes sense a little down the line, then we will be ready to start your child on their smile journey.

If it’s not time for your little one to start treatment, then you’ll need to schedule an appointment for a follow-up sometime next year.

Get an Appointment with Connecticut’s Best Orthodontist

Starting orthodontic treatment at the right time is the best way to set your child up for a lifetime of smiles. Most children don’t need early orthodontic treatment. The best way to confidently answer the question “When to start orthodontic treatment” is to schedule a complimentary exam. During your appointment, we will examine the conditions affecting your child’s smile.

We want to help your child grow into a healthy adult. Schedule an in-office or virtual consultation today to get your child on the road to a beautiful, lasting smile.