Interceptive Orthodontic Treatment in Central Connecticut

As your child’s teeth emerge and shift, you may wonder, “When should I begin orthodontic treatment?”

Interceptive treatments, specifically designed with young teeth in mind, gently adjust the teeth as they grow and change. Early (interceptive or phase one) orthodontic treatment prevents future expensive dental problems and sustains a healthy oral environment for your child’s growing smile.

To find out if interceptive orthodontic treatment suits your child and their lifestyle, call Central Connecticut’s orthodontic experts at Risinger Orthodontics. We offer in-office and virtual consultations for your convenience.

What is Interceptive Orthodontics?

Interceptive orthodontics (phase one orthodontics) involves examining and guiding the teeth as they grow. Early treatment of your child’s teeth prevents spending extra money in the future to correct bite or jaw alignment issues.

As soon as your child’s adult teeth begin to develop (even if some baby teeth remain), an orthodontist can address serious orthodontic issues, including improper jaw alignment, crowded teeth, or gapped teeth. The American Association of Orthodontists recommends that children start seeing an orthodontist for yearly check-ins around the time they are 7 years old.

Although most children won’t need orthodontic treatment at this age, these yearly appointments give you an opportunity to develop a relationship with an orthodontist. That way, if your child needs braces in a few years, you will already have a relationship with a professional you trust.

What is Interceptive Orthodontics?​
Young girl with auburn hair and straw fedora, smiling with braces outside

The Benefits of Early Orthodontic Treatment

Many benefits come from early orthodontic treatments, including:

  • Fitting room for tooth growth – If your child’s teeth start crowding, interceptive orthodontics makes room for your other teeth to grow.
  • Faster and less expensive future treatments – After undergoing phase one of orthodontic treatment, patients occasionally skip the second phase. They often experience more rapid treatment in phase 2 because of the healthy infrastructure established from early orthodontic treatments.
  • Better jaw and bite alignment – Early orthodontic treatments address the jaw, the bite, and even your child’s bone structure. Establishing a healthy smile early in life increases self-confidence.
  • Lower chances of developing gum disease and speech problems – Addressing an unstable bite early in a child’s life helps their teeth to create an appropriate oral environment for eating, cleaning, speaking, etc., and can lessen the chance of developing gum disease.

To learn more about orthodontic treatment and interceptive orthodontics, contact Risinger Orthodontics today!

Common Types of Early Orthodontic Treatment

Every child wears a unique smile. At Risinger Orthodontics, we take great care to examine the growth of your child’s smile, establishing and maintaining healthy, vibrant teeth by tending to their specific dental needs.

Some of the orthodontic procedures children benefit from include:

  • Palate expanders – Palate expanders stretch the mouth’s arch to align the teeth properly. Wearing a palate expander makes room for proper tooth growth and improves speech, bite, and bone structure.
  • Early braces – Braces use gentle forces to shift the teeth into optimal positions. Wearing braces early in life prevents crowding and crooked growth of future teeth.
Smiling boy with braces pointing at his teeth

Are Phase 1 Orthodontics Right for Your Child?

As your child grows and develops, their smile may need adjusting to support their speech, eating, and biting. They deserve a beautiful, long-lasting, and functional smile.

Early orthodontic treatment helps establish and maintain aligned and comfortable teeth. However, not every child needs interceptive orthodontics. The decision to treat your child’s orthodontic needs should be guided by a qualified professional.

Our caring staff wants to help you make the best decision for your child’s orthodontic treatment. Set up an in-office or virtual consultation today to begin establishing your child’s life-long, radiant smile.