How Does Invisalign Work?

Invisalign is one of the most convenient and comfortable options for rejuvenating your smile. The secret is in Invisalign’s clear, removable aligners that position teeth properly. Dr. Rick is an Invisalign Top 1% Diamond Plus Provider with specialized knowledge about restoring your smile with Invisalign. 

Learn more about how Invisalign works during your complimentary consultation.

How Do Invisible Aligners Straighten Teeth?

The secret to Invisalign is its tray system. Each tray is specially-fitted to improve the shape of your smile. You will receive your first set of trays after your first appointment. 

We take the data from your complimentary consultation — as well as the data from millions of successful Invisalign users — to calibrate each aligner to adjust your bite. All you need to do is switch out your current aligner set for the next one in the series every few days. It is important that you wear your trays for 20-22 hours a day. Consistent wear will eventually reveal your beautiful new smile.

While you will need to wear your Invisalign 20-22 hours a day, you will only need occasional check-ups to ensure that your treatment is on-track.

As an Invisalign Top 1% Diamond Plus Provider, Dr. Rick is recognized as one of the country’s elite Invisalign providers. He has advanced knowledge of how aligners work and can treat many more advanced orthodontic issues than other orthodontists. 

Learn more about what Invisalign can treat now!

a blurred out person holding invisalign clear aligners in focus

How Long Does Invisalign Take To Work?

Every mouth differs, but Invisalign improves your tooth alignment quickly and gently. Some patients notice improvements in as little as three months, while others wear their aligners nine months or longer for the best results. 

The best way to keep your treatment on track is to make sure you wear your aligners for 20-22 hours every day. Regular wear helps lock in your stunning smile. Make sure to replace your aligners with a new set every few days. 

Learning how to take care of your aligners is crucial for your treatment. Discover how a few simple steps can help you achieve the best possible results during treatment.

A woman's hand putting a clear aligner back in its storage case.

Start Your Treatment with an Invisalign Top 1% Diamond Plus Provider

For over 52 years, Risinger Orthodontics has helped people around Glastonbury achieve radiant smiles. Invisalign’s lightweight aligners provide more freedom and enhanced comfort during your treatment. 

As one of the elite 1% of Invisalign providers, Dr. Rick can help you achieve unparalleled results with Invisalign. Get started on your smile journey by calling our office at 860-633-8321 or scheduling your complimentary in-person or virtual consultation now!