How Long Does It Take for Braces to Work?

How long are braces usually on? The truth is, it depends! Your overall treatment time will be dependent on the complexity of your case, the type of orthodontic treatment you use, and many other factors. 

Learn more about braces treatment duration and how long you have to wear braces. Schedule an appointment with the experts at Risinger Orthodontics today!

How Long Do You Have to Wear Braces?

Before our patients begin their orthodontic treatment, they often ask us how long they’ll need to wear their braces. Since every patient has different needs, there is no hard and fast rule for the length of your treatment time. 

On average, patients with mild to moderate bite malocclusions may wear braces for one or two years, while those with more severe malocclusions may need to wear them for up to 3 years.

During your complimentary consultation, Dr. Rick will do a physical exam and digital imaging to get a sense of your bite. After gathering this information, he will talk to you about your goals, what type of treatment is right for you, and the estimated length of your treatment time.

Braces Treatment Duration

With all the advancements in orthodontic technology in recent years, treatments like Invisalign and braces are designed to align your smile faster. Plus, these treatments are sleeker, more comfortable, and require fewer appointments!

two teens with braces looking at each other and smiling in front of a yellow background

Invisalign Clear Aligners

Invisalign clear aligners are the virtually invisible way to get a radiant smile. The aligners are custom-made to fit comfortably and seamlessly over your teeth. Simply wear them 20-22 hours a day for the best results! Dr. Rick is an Invisalign Diamond Plus Provider, meaning he is in the top 1% of Invisalign providers nationwide.

Mild cases take anywhere from 6 months to a year to correct with Invisalign, while more moderate cases may take longer. Not wearing your aligners consistently can also lengthen your overall treatment time.

Metal and Clear Braces

No matter what your smile needs are, metal and clear braces can address almost any bite malocclusion! Using a system of brackets and wires, these braces are designed with comfort and efficiency in mind. 

You can even change the color of your metal braces to fit your fashion sense! Plus, if you’re looking for a subtle treatment, clear braces blend into the natural color of your teeth so you can smile bigger during treatment.

Since braces work around the clock to correct your smile, your overall treatment time may be reduced. Depending on the complexity of your case, braces can take a few months and up to 3 years. 


Learn More From the Best Orthodontist in Glastonbury

So, how long are braces usually on? Your treatment time will be dependent upon your goals, your chosen type of orthodontic treatment, the complexity of your case, and more. 

The only way to know for sure how long you’ll need to wear braces is by scheduling a consultation with us. We’ll help you choose the most efficient treatment for your needs!

Dr. Rick has many years of experience improving smiles across the greater Glastonbury area. If you’re seeking a more radiant smile, schedule an appointment with us today!